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const FootnoteBackContentTemplateSchema: ZodFunction<ZodTuple<[ZodNumber, ZodNumber], ZodUnknown>, ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodObject<{
type: ZodLiteral<"comment">;
value: ZodString;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
type: "comment";
value: string;
}, {
type: "comment";
value: string;
}>, ZodObject<{
children: ZodArray<ZodAny, "many">;
properties: ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>;
tagName: ZodString;
type: ZodLiteral<"element">;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
}, {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
}>, ZodObject<{
type: ZodLiteral<"text">;
value: ZodString;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
type: "text";
value: string;
}, {
type: "text";
value: string;
}>]>, "many">, ZodUnion<[ZodObject<{
type: ZodLiteral<"comment">;
value: ZodString;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
type: "comment";
value: string;
}, {
type: "comment";
value: string;
}>, ZodObject<{
children: ZodArray<ZodAny, "many">;
properties: ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>;
tagName: ZodString;
type: ZodLiteral<"element">;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
}, {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
}>, ZodObject<{
type: ZodLiteral<"text">;
value: ZodString;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
type: "text";
value: string;
}, {
type: "text";
value: string;
}>]>, ZodString]>>;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/mdx.ts:31

const mdxConfigSchema: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{
recmaPlugins: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodType<PluggableList, ZodTypeDef, PluggableList>>>;
rehypePlugins: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodType<PluggableList, ZodTypeDef, PluggableList>>>;
remarkPlugins: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodType<PluggableList, ZodTypeDef, PluggableList>>>;
remarkRehypeOptions: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{
allowDangerousHtml: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>>;
clobberPrefix: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
file: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
footnoteBackContent: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[..., ..., ...]>>;
footnoteBackLabel: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[..., ..., ...]>>;
footnoteLabel: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
footnoteLabelProperties: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodRecord<..., ...>>>;
footnoteLabelTagName: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
handlers: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
passThrough: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodArray<..., ...>>>;
unknownHandler: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [..., ..., ...(...)[]]) => ... | ... | ... | ... | ...;
footnoteBackLabel: null | string | (...args: [..., ..., ...(...)[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;
}, {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [..., ..., ...(...)[]]) => ... | ... | ... | ... | ...;
footnoteBackLabel: null | string | (...args: [..., ..., ...(...)[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
recmaPlugins: PluggableList;
rehypePlugins: PluggableList;
remarkPlugins: PluggableList;
remarkRehypeOptions: {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) =>
| string
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
| (
| {
type: ...;
value: ...;
| {
children: ...;
properties: ...;
tagName: ...;
type: ...;
| {
type: ...;
value: ...;
footnoteBackLabel: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, undefined | null | string | number | boolean | (string | number)[]>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;
}, {
recmaPlugins: PluggableList;
rehypePlugins: PluggableList;
remarkPlugins: PluggableList;
remarkRehypeOptions: {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) =>
| string
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: ...[];
properties: Record<..., ...>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
| (... | ... | ...)[];
footnoteBackLabel: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, undefined | null | string | number | boolean | (... | ...)[]>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/mdx.ts:85

MDX Configuration Schema

Allows customization of the MDX renderer

const OptionsSchema: ZodObject<{
allowDangerousHtml: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodBoolean>>;
clobberPrefix: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
file: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
footnoteBackContent: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodFunction<ZodTuple<[ZodNumber, ZodNumber], ZodUnknown>, ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodUnion<[..., ..., ...]>, "many">, ZodUnion<[ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>, ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>, ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>]>, ZodString]>>, ZodString, ZodNull]>>;
footnoteBackLabel: ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodFunction<ZodTuple<[ZodNumber, ZodNumber], ZodUnknown>, ZodString>, ZodString, ZodNull]>>;
footnoteLabel: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
footnoteLabelProperties: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodUnion<[ZodBoolean, ZodNumber, ZodString, ZodNull, ZodUndefined, ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>, "many">]>>>>;
footnoteLabelTagName: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
handlers: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
passThrough: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>>;
unknownHandler: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodAny>>;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) =>
| string
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
| (
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
footnoteBackLabel: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, undefined | null | string | number | boolean | (string | number)[]>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;
}, {
allowDangerousHtml: null | boolean;
clobberPrefix: null | string;
file: any;
footnoteBackContent: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) =>
| string
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
| (
| {
type: "comment";
value: string;
| {
children: any[];
properties: Record<string, any>;
tagName: string;
type: "element";
| {
type: "text";
value: string;
footnoteBackLabel: | null
| string
| (...args: [number, number, ...unknown[]]) => string;
footnoteLabel: null | string;
footnoteLabelProperties: | null
| Record<string, undefined | null | string | number | boolean | (string | number)[]>;
footnoteLabelTagName: null | string;
handlers: any;
passThrough: null | string[];
unknownHandler: any;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/mdx.ts:64