'Read the “', Variables, '” section'dashboardConfigSchema
'Read the “', dashboardConfigSchema, '” section'const dashboardConfigSchema: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ AuthConfig: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ enabled: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; providers: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { enabled: boolean; providers: { auth0: boolean; discord: boolean; github: boolean; google: boolean; usernameAndPassword: boolean; usernameAndPasswordConfig: { allowUserRegistration: boolean; }; }; }, { enabled: boolean; providers: { auth0: ... | ... | ...; discord: ... | ... | ...; github: ... | ... | ...; google: ... | ... | ...; usernameAndPassword: ... | ... | ...; usernameAndPasswordConfig: ... | ...; }; }>>>; dashboardEnabled: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; dashboardRouteOverride: ZodOptional<ZodString>; developerConfig: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ testingAndDemoMode: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { testingAndDemoMode: boolean; }, { testingAndDemoMode: boolean; }>>>; faviconURL: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodString>>; inject404Route: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; versionCheck: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { AuthConfig: { enabled: boolean; providers: { auth0: boolean; discord: boolean; github: boolean; google: boolean; usernameAndPassword: boolean; usernameAndPasswordConfig: { allowUserRegistration: boolean; }; }; }; dashboardEnabled: boolean; dashboardRouteOverride: string; developerConfig: { testingAndDemoMode: boolean; }; faviconURL: string; inject404Route: boolean; versionCheck: boolean; }, { AuthConfig: { enabled: boolean; providers: { auth0: boolean; discord: boolean; github: boolean; google: boolean; usernameAndPassword: boolean; usernameAndPasswordConfig: { allowUserRegistration: ... | ... | ...; }; }; }; dashboardEnabled: boolean; dashboardRouteOverride: string; developerConfig: { testingAndDemoMode: boolean; }; faviconURL: string; inject404Route: boolean; versionCheck: boolean;}>>>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/dashboard.ts:5