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type AuthProviders = {
auth0: boolean;
discord: boolean;
github: boolean;
google: boolean;
usernameAndPassword: boolean;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: boolean;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/auth.ts:62

auth0: boolean;

Auth0 Auth Provider - Powered by Arctic

Requires an Auth0 Application to be created and configured using ENV Variables


discord: boolean;

Discord Auth Provider - Powered by Arctic

Requires a Discord OAuth App to be created and configured using ENV Variables


github: boolean;

GitHub Auth Provider - Powered by Arctic

Requires a GitHub OAuth App to be created and configured using ENV Variables


google: boolean;

Google Auth Provider - Powered by Arctic

Requires a Google OAuth App to be created and configured using ENV Variables


usernameAndPassword: boolean;

Username and Password Auth Provider

usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: boolean;
} = localUsernameAndPasswordConfig;

allowUserRegistration: boolean;

Allow User Registration - Allows users to register an account


const authConfigSchema: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{
enabled: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
providers: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{
auth0: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
discord: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
github: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
google: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
usernameAndPassword: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>>>;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
auth0: boolean;
discord: boolean;
github: boolean;
google: boolean;
usernameAndPassword: boolean;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: boolean;
}, {
auth0: boolean;
discord: boolean;
github: boolean;
google: boolean;
usernameAndPassword: boolean;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: ... | ... | ...;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
enabled: boolean;
providers: {
auth0: boolean;
discord: boolean;
github: boolean;
google: boolean;
usernameAndPassword: boolean;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: boolean;
}, {
enabled: boolean;
providers: {
auth0: boolean;
discord: boolean;
github: boolean;
google: boolean;
usernameAndPassword: boolean;
usernameAndPasswordConfig: {
allowUserRegistration: boolean;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/auth.ts:67

const authProviderSchema: ZodDefault<AuthProviders>;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/auth.ts:18