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function importSettingsFromWPAPI(endpoint: string): Promise<void>

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms_devapps/src/utils/wp-api/settings.ts:28

Imports site settings from a WordPress API endpoint and updates the local database.


The WordPress API endpoint to fetch settings from.

This function performs the following steps:

  1. Constructs the URL for the settings endpoint.
  2. Fetches the site settings from the constructed URL.
  3. Logs the fetched settings.
  4. Downloads the site icon if available.
  5. If the site icon is not available, attempts to download the site logo.
  6. Constructs the site configuration object.
  7. Updates the local database with the fetched settings.
  8. Logs the success or failure of the database update.


Will log an error message if the fetch or database update fails.