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'Read the “', Variables, '” section'StudioCMSMarkdownExtendedSchema
'Read the “', StudioCMSMarkdownExtendedSchema, '” section'const StudioCMSMarkdownExtendedSchema: ZodEffects<ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodLiteral<false>, ZodObject<{ autoLinkHeadings: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; callouts: ZodEffects<ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<...>>>, { enabled: boolean; theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }, | undefined | false | { theme: ... | ... | ... | ...; }>; discordSubtext: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; sanitize: ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ allowAttributes: ZodOptional<...>; allowComments: ZodOptional<...>; allowComponents: ZodOptional<...>; allowCustomElements: ZodOptional<...>; allowElements: ZodOptional<...>; blockElements: ZodOptional<...>; dropAttributes: ZodOptional<...>; dropElements: ZodOptional<...>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { allowAttributes: ... | ...; allowComments: ... | ... | ...; allowComponents: ... | ... | ...; allowCustomElements: ... | ... | ...; allowElements: ... | ...; blockElements: ... | ...; dropAttributes: ... | ...; dropElements: ... | ...; }, { allowAttributes: ... | ...; allowComments: ... | ... | ...; allowComponents: ... | ... | ...; allowCustomElements: ... | ... | ...; allowElements: ... | ...; blockElements: ... | ...; dropAttributes: ... | ...; dropElements: ... | ...; }>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: { enabled: boolean; theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<..., ...>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: ...[]; blockElements: ...[]; dropAttributes: Record<..., ...>; dropElements: ...[]; }; }, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: | false | { theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<..., ...>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: ...[]; blockElements: ...[]; dropAttributes: Record<..., ...>; dropElements: ...[]; }; }>]>>>, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: { enabled: boolean; theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; }; }, | undefined | false | { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: | false | { theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/studiocms-markdown-remark.ts:25
'Read the “', StudioCMSSanitizeOptionsSchema, '” section'const StudioCMSSanitizeOptionsSchema: ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ allowAttributes: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>>; allowComments: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>; allowComponents: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>; allowCustomElements: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>; allowElements: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; blockElements: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; dropAttributes: ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>>; dropElements: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; }, { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[];}>>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/studiocms-markdown-remark.ts:4
'Read the “', TransformToProcessor, '” section'const TransformToProcessor: ZodEffects<ZodEffects<ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodLiteral<false>, ZodObject<{ autoLinkHeadings: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; callouts: ZodEffects<ZodDefault<ZodOptional<...>>, { enabled: boolean; theme: ... | ... | ...; }, | undefined | false | { theme: ...; }>; discordSubtext: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>>; sanitize: ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ allowAttributes: ...; allowComments: ...; allowComponents: ...; allowCustomElements: ...; allowElements: ...; blockElements: ...; dropAttributes: ...; dropElements: ...; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { allowAttributes: ...; allowComments: ...; allowComponents: ...; allowCustomElements: ...; allowElements: ...; blockElements: ...; dropAttributes: ...; dropElements: ...; }, { allowAttributes: ...; allowComments: ...; allowComponents: ...; allowCustomElements: ...; allowElements: ...; blockElements: ...; dropAttributes: ...; dropElements: ...; }>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: { enabled: boolean; theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: ... | ...; allowComments: ... | ... | ...; allowComponents: ... | ... | ...; allowCustomElements: ... | ... | ...; allowElements: ... | ...; blockElements: ... | ...; dropAttributes: ... | ...; dropElements: ... | ...; }; }, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: | false | { theme: ... | ... | ... | ...; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: ... | ...; allowComments: ... | ... | ...; allowComponents: ... | ... | ...; allowCustomElements: ... | ... | ...; allowElements: ... | ...; blockElements: ... | ...; dropAttributes: ... | ...; dropElements: ... | ...; }; }>]>>>, { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: { enabled: boolean; theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; }; }, | undefined | false | { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: | false | { theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; }; }>, { studiocms: StudioCMSConfigOptions; }, | undefined | false | { autoLinkHeadings: boolean; callouts: | false | { theme: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress"; }; discordSubtext: boolean; sanitize: { allowAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; allowComments: boolean; allowComponents: boolean; allowCustomElements: boolean; allowElements: string[]; blockElements: string[]; dropAttributes: Record<string, string[]>; dropElements: string[]; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/studiocms-markdown-remark.ts:68