Esta página aún no está disponible en tu idioma.
'Read the “', Interfaces, '” section'MarkdocRenderer
'Read the “', MarkdocRenderer, '” section'Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:32
'Read the “', Properties, '” section'name: string;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:28
Inherited from
'Read the “', Inherited from, '” section'
renderer: markdocRenderer;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:29
Inherited from
'Read the “', Inherited from, '” section'z.infer.renderer
Type Aliases
'Read the “', Type Aliases, '” section'markdocRenderer()
'Read the “', markdocRenderer(), '” section'type markdocRenderer = (nodes: CustomMarkDocRendererNodes) => Promise<string>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:25
'Read the “', Parameters, '” section'CustomMarkDocRendererNodes
'Read the “', Variables, '” section'markdocConfigSchema
'Read the “', markdocConfigSchema, '” section'const markdocConfigSchema: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ argParse: ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ file: ZodOptional<ZodString>; location: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>; slots: ZodOptional<ZodBoolean>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { file: string; location: boolean; slots: boolean; }, { file: string; location: boolean; slots: boolean; }>>; renderType: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodLiteral<"html">, ZodLiteral<"react-static">, ZodType<MarkdocRenderer, ZodTypeDef, MarkdocRenderer>]>>>; transformConfig: ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ functions: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>>>; nodes: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>>>>; partials: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>>>; tags: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodObject<..., ..., ..., ..., ...>>>>; validation: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ environment: ...; parents: ...; validateFunctions: ...; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { environment: ...; parents: ...; validateFunctions: ...; }, { environment: ...; parents: ...; validateFunctions: ...; }>>>; variables: ZodOptional<ZodOptional<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { functions: Record<string, any>; nodes: Record<string, {}>; partials: Record<string, any>; tags: Record<string, {}>; validation: { environment: string; parents: ...[]; validateFunctions: boolean; }; variables: Record<string, any>; }, { functions: Record<string, any>; nodes: Record<string, {}>; partials: Record<string, any>; tags: Record<string, {}>; validation: { environment: string; parents: ...[]; validateFunctions: boolean; }; variables: Record<string, any>; }>>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { argParse: { file: string; location: boolean; slots: boolean; }; renderType: | "html" | "react-static" | MarkdocRenderer; transformConfig: { functions: Record<string, any>; nodes: Record<string, {}>; partials: Record<string, any>; tags: Record<string, {}>; validation: { environment: string; parents: any[]; validateFunctions: boolean; }; variables: Record<string, any>; }; }, { argParse: { file: string; location: boolean; slots: boolean; }; renderType: | "html" | "react-static" | MarkdocRenderer; transformConfig: { functions: Record<string, any>; nodes: Record<string, {}>; partials: Record<string, any>; tags: Record<string, {}>; validation: { environment: string; parents: any[]; validateFunctions: boolean; }; variables: Record<string, any>; };}>>>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:66
'Read the “', TagSchema, '” section'const TagSchema: ZodObject<{ $$mdtype: ZodLiteral<"Tag">; attributes: ZodDefault<ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>>; children: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodAny, "many">>; name: ZodDefault<ZodString>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { $$mdtype: "Tag"; attributes: Record<string, any>; children: any[]; name: string; }, { $$mdtype: "Tag"; attributes: Record<string, any>; children: any[]; name: string;}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/schemas/config/markdoc.ts:10