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function createComponentProxy(result: SSRResult, _components: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any>

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/runtime/AstroComponentProxy.ts:19

Creates a proxy for components that can either be strings or functions. If the component is a string, it is directly assigned to the proxy. If the component is a function, it is wrapped in an async function that processes the props and children before rendering.


The result object used for rendering JSX.

Record<string, any> = {}

An optional record of components to be proxied. Defaults to an empty object.

Record<string, any>

A record of proxied components.

function dedent(str: string): string

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/runtime/AstroComponentProxy.ts:67

Removes leading indentation from a multi-line string.


The string from which to remove leading indentation.


The dedented string.

function transformHTML(
html: string,
components: Record<string, any>,
sanitizeOpts?: SanitizeOptions): Promise<string>

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/runtime/AstroComponentProxy.ts:87

Transforms the provided HTML string by applying sanitization and component swapping.


The HTML string to be transformed.

Record<string, any>

A record of components to be swapped within the HTML. The keys are component names and the values are the corresponding component implementations.


Optional sanitization options to be applied to the HTML.


A promise that resolves to the transformed HTML string.