Esta página aún no está disponible en tu idioma.
'Read the “', Variables, '” section'StudioCMSAPIKeys
'Read the “', StudioCMSAPIKeys, '” section'const StudioCMSAPIKeys: TableConfig<{ creationDate: { type: "date"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; key: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:21
'Read the “', StudioCMSDiffTracking, '” section'const StudioCMSDiffTracking: TableConfig<{ diff: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; pageContentStart: { type: "text"; }; pageId: { type: "text"; }; pageMetaData: { type: "json"; }; timestamp: { type: "date"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:102
StudioCMS - Diff Tracking Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSOAuthAccounts, '” section'const StudioCMSOAuthAccounts: TableConfig<{ provider: { type: "text"; }; providerUserId: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:40
StudioCMS - OAuth Accounts Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageContent, '” section'const StudioCMSPageContent: TableConfig<{ content: { type: "text"; }; contentId: { type: "text"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:138
StudioCMS - Pages Content Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageData, '” section'const StudioCMSPageData: TableConfig<{ authorId: { type: "text"; }; categories: { type: "json"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; contributorIds: { type: "json"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; draft: { type: "boolean"; }; heroImage: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; package: { type: "text"; }; parentFolder: { type: "text"; }; publishedAt: { type: "date"; }; showAuthor: { type: "boolean"; }; showContributors: { type: "boolean"; }; showOnNav: { type: "boolean"; }; slug: { type: "text"; }; tags: { type: "json"; }; title: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:75
StudioCMS - Pages Data Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageDataCategories, '” section'const StudioCMSPageDataCategories: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "number"; }; slug: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:126
StudioCMS - Page Data Categories Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageDataTags, '” section'const StudioCMSPageDataTags: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; slug: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:115
StudioCMS - Page Data Tags Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageFolderStructure, '” section'const StudioCMSPageFolderStructure: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:66
StudioCMS - Page Folder Structure
'Read the “', StudioCMSPermissions, '” section'const StudioCMSPermissions: TableConfig<{ rank: { type: "text"; }; user: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:58
StudioCMS - Permissions Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSSessionTable, '” section'const StudioCMSSessionTable: TableConfig<{ expiresAt: { type: "date"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:49
StudioCMS - Session Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSSiteConfig, '” section'const StudioCMSSiteConfig: TableConfig<{ defaultOgImage: { type: "text"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; diffPerPage: { type: "number"; }; enableDiffs: { type: "boolean"; }; gridItems: { type: "json"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; loginPageBackground: { type: "text"; }; loginPageCustomImage: { type: "text"; }; siteIcon: { type: "text"; }; title: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:148
StudioCMS - Site Config Table for Astro DB
'Read the “', StudioCMSUserResetTokens, '” section'const StudioCMSUserResetTokens: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; token: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:31
'Read the “', StudioCMSUsers, '” section'const StudioCMSUsers: TableConfig<{ avatar: { type: "text"; }; createdAt: { type: "date"; }; email: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; password: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; }; url: { type: "text"; }; username: { type: "text"; };}>;
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:4
StudioCMS - Users Table for Astro DB
const tables: { StudioCMSAPIKeys: TableConfig<{ creationDate: { type: "date"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; key: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSDiffTracking: TableConfig<{ diff: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; pageContentStart: { type: "text"; }; pageId: { type: "text"; }; pageMetaData: { type: "json"; }; timestamp: { type: "date"; }; userId: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSOAuthAccounts: TableConfig<{ provider: { type: "text"; }; providerUserId: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSPageContent: TableConfig<{ content: { type: "text"; }; contentId: { type: "text"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSPageData: TableConfig<{ authorId: { type: "text"; }; categories: { type: "json"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; contributorIds: { type: "json"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; draft: { type: "boolean"; }; heroImage: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; package: { type: "text"; }; parentFolder: { type: "text"; }; publishedAt: { type: "date"; }; showAuthor: { type: "boolean"; }; showContributors: { type: "boolean"; }; showOnNav: { type: "boolean"; }; slug: { type: "text"; }; tags: { type: "json"; }; title: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; }; }>; StudioCMSPageDataCategories: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "number"; }; slug: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSPageDataTags: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; slug: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSPageFolderStructure: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSPermissions: TableConfig<{ rank: { type: "text"; }; user: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSSessionTable: TableConfig<{ expiresAt: { type: "date"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSSiteConfig: TableConfig<{ defaultOgImage: { type: "text"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; diffPerPage: { type: "number"; }; enableDiffs: { type: "boolean"; }; gridItems: { type: "json"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; loginPageBackground: { type: "text"; }; loginPageCustomImage: { type: "text"; }; siteIcon: { type: "text"; }; title: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSUserResetTokens: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; token: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; }; }>; StudioCMSUsers: TableConfig<{ avatar: { type: "text"; }; createdAt: { type: "date"; }; email: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; password: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; }; url: { type: "text"; }; username: { type: "text"; }; }>;};
Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms/src/db/tables.ts:163
Type declaration
'Read the “', Type declaration, '” section'StudioCMSAPIKeys
'Read the “', StudioCMSAPIKeys, '” section'StudioCMSAPIKeys: TableConfig<{ creationDate: { type: "date"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; key: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSDiffTracking, '” section'StudioCMSDiffTracking: TableConfig<{ diff: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; pageContentStart: { type: "text"; }; pageId: { type: "text"; }; pageMetaData: { type: "json"; }; timestamp: { type: "date"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSOAuthAccounts, '” section'StudioCMSOAuthAccounts: TableConfig<{ provider: { type: "text"; }; providerUserId: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageContent, '” section'StudioCMSPageContent: TableConfig<{ content: { type: "text"; }; contentId: { type: "text"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageData, '” section'StudioCMSPageData: TableConfig<{ authorId: { type: "text"; }; categories: { type: "json"; }; contentLang: { type: "text"; }; contributorIds: { type: "json"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; draft: { type: "boolean"; }; heroImage: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; package: { type: "text"; }; parentFolder: { type: "text"; }; publishedAt: { type: "date"; }; showAuthor: { type: "boolean"; }; showContributors: { type: "boolean"; }; showOnNav: { type: "boolean"; }; slug: { type: "text"; }; tags: { type: "json"; }; title: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageDataCategories, '” section'StudioCMSPageDataCategories: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "number"; }; slug: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageDataTags, '” section'StudioCMSPageDataTags: TableConfig<{ description: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; meta: { type: "json"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; slug: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPageFolderStructure, '” section'StudioCMSPageFolderStructure: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; parent: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSPermissions, '” section'StudioCMSPermissions: TableConfig<{ rank: { type: "text"; }; user: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSSessionTable, '” section'StudioCMSSessionTable: TableConfig<{ expiresAt: { type: "date"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSSiteConfig, '” section'StudioCMSSiteConfig: TableConfig<{ defaultOgImage: { type: "text"; }; description: { type: "text"; }; diffPerPage: { type: "number"; }; enableDiffs: { type: "boolean"; }; gridItems: { type: "json"; }; id: { type: "number"; }; loginPageBackground: { type: "text"; }; loginPageCustomImage: { type: "text"; }; siteIcon: { type: "text"; }; title: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSUserResetTokens, '” section'StudioCMSUserResetTokens: TableConfig<{ id: { type: "text"; }; token: { type: "text"; }; userId: { type: "text"; };}>;
'Read the “', StudioCMSUsers, '” section'StudioCMSUsers: TableConfig<{ avatar: { type: "text"; }; createdAt: { type: "date"; }; email: { type: "text"; }; id: { type: "text"; }; name: { type: "text"; }; password: { type: "text"; }; updatedAt: { type: "date"; }; url: { type: "text"; }; username: { type: "text"; };}>;