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type StudioCMSDevAppsConfig = {
appsConfig: {
libSQLViewer: {
enabled: boolean;
wpImporter: {
enabled: boolean;
endpoint: string;
endpoint: string;
verbose: boolean;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms_devapps/src/schema/index.ts:103

Represents the configuration type for StudioCMS development applications. This type is derived from the output of the StudioCMSDevAppsSchema.

appsConfig: {
libSQLViewer: {
enabled: boolean;
wpImporter: {
enabled: boolean;
endpoint: string;
} = AppsConfigSchema;

libSQLViewer: {
enabled: boolean;
} = libSQL;

enabled: boolean;

wpImporter: {
enabled: boolean;
endpoint: string;
} = wpAPI;

enabled: boolean;

endpoint: string;

endpoint: string;

verbose: boolean;

type StudioCMSDevAppsOptions = typeof StudioCMSDevAppsSchema._input;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms_devapps/src/schema/index.ts:97

Represents the options for StudioCMS development applications.

This type is derived from the _input property of the StudioCMSDevAppsSchema object.

const AppsConfigSchema: ZodEffects<ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{
libSQLViewer: ZodDefault<ZodBoolean>;
wpImporter: ZodUnion<[ZodBoolean, ZodObject<{
endpoint: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<...>>;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
endpoint: string;
}, {
endpoint: string;
}, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
libSQLViewer: boolean;
wpImporter: | boolean
| {
endpoint: string;
}, {
libSQLViewer: boolean;
wpImporter: | boolean
| {
endpoint: string;
}>>>, {
libSQLViewer: {
enabled: boolean;
wpImporter: {
enabled: boolean;
endpoint: string;
| undefined
| {
libSQLViewer: boolean;
wpImporter: | boolean
| {
endpoint: string;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms_devapps/src/schema/index.ts:26

Schema for the configuration of StudioCMS development applications.

This schema defines the configuration options for the following applications:

  • Astro DB LibSQL Viewer App: Controlled by the libSQLViewer property.
  • StudioCMS WP API Importer App: Controlled by the wpImporter property.

The schema provides default values and transformation logic to ensure the configuration is in the expected format.

An object with the transformed configuration:

  • libSQLViewer - An object with an enabled property indicating the app’s status.
  • wpImporter - An object with enabled and endpoint properties for the app’s configuration.

const StudioCMSDevAppsSchema: ZodDefault<StudioCMSDevAppsConfig>;

Defined in: studiocms/packages/studiocms_devapps/src/schema/index.ts:83

Schema definition for StudioCMS development applications configuration.

This schema defines the structure of the configuration object for StudioCMS development applications. It includes the following properties:

  • endpoint (optional): A string representing the endpoint for the dev apps. Defaults to ‘_studiocms-devapps’.
  • verbose (optional): A boolean indicating whether verbose logging is enabled. Defaults to false.
  • appsConfig: The configuration schema for the applications.

The entire schema is optional and defaults to an empty object if not provided.