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Configuración de StudioCMS

Hay dos formas de configurar la integración de StudioCMS. A continuación se muestran ejemplos de cómo configurar según si eliges usar el archivo astro.config.mjs o el archivo dedicado studiocms.config.mjs.

Esta página te muestra cómo y dónde definir la configuración de StudioCMS. Para más información sobre las opciones de configuración de StudioCMS, consulta las páginas de referencia.

function db(): AstroIntegration[]
from '@astrojs/db';
function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegration
from '@astrojs/node';
const studioCMS: (options?: {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes ...

StudioCMS Integration

A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.

@seeThe GitHub Repo: withstudiocms/studiocms for more information on how to contribute to StudioCMS.

@seeThe StudioCMS Docs for more information on how to use StudioCMS.

from 'studiocms';
import {
function defineConfig<const TLocales extends Locales = never, const TDriver extends SessionDriverName = never>(config: AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>): AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>

See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation

} from 'astro/config';
export default
defineConfig<never, never>(config: AstroUserConfig<never, never>): AstroUserConfig<never, never>

See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation

AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.site?: string




Your final, deployed URL. Astro uses this full URL to generate your sitemap and canonical URLs in your final build. It is strongly recommended that you set this configuration to get the most out of Astro.

site: ''

: '',
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.output?: "server" | "static"


@type{('static' | 'server')}


@seeadapter *


Specifies the output target for builds.

  • 'static' - Prerender all your pages by default, outputting a completely static site if none of your pages opt out of prerendering.
  • 'server' - Use server-side rendering (SSR) for all pages by default, always outputting a server-rendered site.
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
output: 'static'

: 'server',
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.adapter?: AstroIntegration


@seeoutput *


Deploy to your favorite server, serverless, or edge host with build adapters. Import one of our first-party adapters for Netlify, Vercel, and more to engage Astro SSR.

See our On-demand Rendering guide for more on SSR, and our deployment guides for a complete list of hosts.

import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';
// Example: Build for Netlify serverless deployment
adapter: netlify(),

function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegration
UserOptions.mode: "standalone" | "middleware"

Specifies the mode that the adapter builds to.

  • 'middleware' - Build to middleware, to be used within another Node.js server, such as Express.
  • 'standalone' - Build to a standalone server. The server starts up just by running the built script.

: "standalone" }),
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.integrations?: (false | AstroIntegration | (false | AstroIntegration | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined)[]



Extend Astro with custom integrations. Integrations are your one-stop-shop for adding framework support (like Solid.js), new features (like sitemaps), and new libraries (like Partytown).

Read our Integrations Guide for help getting started with Astro Integrations.

import react from '@astrojs/react';
import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx';
// Example: Add React + MDX support to Astro
integrations: [react(), mdx()]

: [
function db(): AstroIntegration[]
function studioCMS(options?: {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes ...

StudioCMS Integration

A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.

@seeThe GitHub Repo: withstudiocms/studiocms for more information on how to contribute to StudioCMS.

@seeThe StudioCMS Docs for more information on how to use StudioCMS.

dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined
: false,
// ...Otras opciones de configuración

Este archivo será detectado automáticamente y sobrescribirá cualquier opción pasada en tu astro.config. Si eliges usar esta opción, asegúrate de mover todas las opciones de configuración de StudioCMS a este archivo como se muestra a continuación:

  • .env
  • astro.config.mjs
  • studiocms.config.mjs
  • studiocms-auth.config.json Auto Generado
  • package.json
  • Directorysrc
    • env.d.ts
function db(): AstroIntegration[]
from '@astrojs/db';
function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegration
from '@astrojs/node';
const studioCMS: (options?: {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes ...

StudioCMS Integration

A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.

@seeThe GitHub Repo: withstudiocms/studiocms for more information on how to contribute to StudioCMS.

@seeThe StudioCMS Docs for more information on how to use StudioCMS.

from 'studiocms';
import {
function defineConfig<const TLocales extends Locales = never, const TDriver extends SessionDriverName = never>(config: AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>): AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>

See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation

} from 'astro/config';
export default
defineConfig<never, never>(config: AstroUserConfig<never, never>): AstroUserConfig<never, never>

See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation

AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.site?: string




Your final, deployed URL. Astro uses this full URL to generate your sitemap and canonical URLs in your final build. It is strongly recommended that you set this configuration to get the most out of Astro.

site: ''

: '',
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.output?: "server" | "static"


@type{('static' | 'server')}


@seeadapter *


Specifies the output target for builds.

  • 'static' - Prerender all your pages by default, outputting a completely static site if none of your pages opt out of prerendering.
  • 'server' - Use server-side rendering (SSR) for all pages by default, always outputting a server-rendered site.
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
output: 'static'

: 'server',
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.adapter?: AstroIntegration


@seeoutput *


Deploy to your favorite server, serverless, or edge host with build adapters. Import one of our first-party adapters for Netlify, Vercel, and more to engage Astro SSR.

See our On-demand Rendering guide for more on SSR, and our deployment guides for a complete list of hosts.

import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';
// Example: Build for Netlify serverless deployment
adapter: netlify(),

function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegration
UserOptions.mode: "standalone" | "middleware"

Specifies the mode that the adapter builds to.

  • 'middleware' - Build to middleware, to be used within another Node.js server, such as Express.
  • 'standalone' - Build to a standalone server. The server starts up just by running the built script.

: "standalone" }),
AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.integrations?: (false | AstroIntegration | (false | AstroIntegration | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined)[]



Extend Astro with custom integrations. Integrations are your one-stop-shop for adding framework support (like Solid.js), new features (like sitemaps), and new libraries (like Partytown).

Read our Integrations Guide for help getting started with Astro Integrations.

import react from '@astrojs/react';
import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx';
// Example: Add React + MDX support to Astro
integrations: [react(), mdx()]

: [
function db(): AstroIntegration[]
function studioCMS(options?: {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes ...

StudioCMS Integration

A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.

@seeThe GitHub Repo: withstudiocms/studiocms for more information on how to contribute to StudioCMS.

@seeThe StudioCMS Docs for more information on how to use StudioCMS.

() ],
import {
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

} from "studiocms/config";
export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined
: false,
// ...Otras opciones de configuración