'Read the “', Introducción, '” section'Esta integración de Astro permite el seguimiento del rendimiento del sitio web en el mundo real y almacena los datos en Astro DB. Esos datos se utilizarán en el panel de control de StudioCMS para mostrar las métricas de rendimiento de tu sitio web del mundo real a lo largo del tiempo.
'Read the “', Instalación, '” section'-
Instala el paquete y añádelo a tu configuración de astro usando el siguiente comando:
Ventana de terminal npx astro add @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal pnpm astro add @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal yarn astro add @astrojs/web-vitals -
Envía la nueva configuración a tu base de datos remota:
Ventana de terminal npx astro db pushVentana de terminal pnpm astro db pushVentana de terminal yarn astro db push
Instala el paquete usando el siguiente comando:
Ventana de terminal npm i @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal pnpm add @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal yarn add @astrojs/web-vitals -
a tu archivo de configuración de astro:astro.config.mjs importnode from '@astrojs/node';function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegrationimportstudioCMS from 'studiocms';const studioCMS: (options?: {dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;rendererConfig?: {studiocms?: false | {callouts?: false | {theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;} | undefined;autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;sanitize?: {allowElements?: string[] | undefined;blockElements?: string[] | undefined;dropElements?: string[] | undefined;allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;allowComments?: boolean | undefined;} | undefined;} | undefined;renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;markdocConfig?: {renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;argParse?: {file?: string | undefined;slots?: boolean | undefined;location?: boolean | undefined;} | undefined;transformConfig?: {tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;validation?: {parents?: any[] | undefined;validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;environment?: string | undefined;} | undefined;nodes ...StudioCMS Integration
A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.
importdb from '@astrojs/db';function db(): AstroIntegration[]importwebVitals from '@astrojs/web-vitals';function webVitals({ deprecated }?: {deprecated?: boolean;}): AstroIntegrationimport {defineConfig } from 'astro/config';function defineConfig<const TLocales extends Locales = never, const TDriver extends SessionDriverName = never>(config: AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>): AstroUserConfig<TLocales, TDriver>See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation https://astro.build/config
export defaultdefineConfig({defineConfig<never, never>(config: AstroUserConfig<never, never>): AstroUserConfig<never, never>See the full Astro Configuration API Documentation https://astro.build/config
site: 'https://demo.studiocms.dev/',AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.site?: stringoutput: 'server',AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.output?: "server" | "static"adapter:AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.adapter?: AstroIntegrationnode({function node(userOptions: UserOptions): AstroIntegrationmode: "standalone" }),UserOptions.mode: "standalone" | "middleware"Specifies the mode that the adapter builds to.
- 'middleware' - Build to middleware, to be used within another Node.js server, such as Express.
- 'standalone' - Build to a standalone server. The server starts up just by running the built script.
integrations: [AstroUserConfig<TLocales extends Locales = never, TSession extends SessionDriverName = never>.integrations?: (false | AstroIntegration | (false | AstroIntegration | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined)[]db(), // REQUERIDOfunction db(): AstroIntegration[]webVitals(),function webVitals({ deprecated }?: {deprecated?: boolean;}): AstroIntegrationstudioCMS(),function studioCMS(options?: {dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;rendererConfig?: {studiocms?: false | {callouts?: false | {theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;} | undefined;autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;sanitize?: {allowElements?: string[] | undefined;blockElements?: string[] | undefined;dropElements?: string[] | undefined;allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;allowComments?: boolean | undefined;} | undefined;} | undefined;renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;markdocConfig?: {renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;argParse?: {file?: string | undefined;slots?: boolean | undefined;location?: boolean | undefined;} | undefined;transformConfig?: {tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;validation?: {parents?: any[] | undefined;validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;environment?: string | undefined;} | undefined;nodes ...StudioCMS Integration
A CMS built for Astro by the Astro Community for the Astro Community.
],});Ventana de terminal npm i @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal pnpm add @astrojs/web-vitalsVentana de terminal yarn add @astrojs/web-vitals -
Envía la nueva configuración a tu base de datos remota:
Ventana de terminal npx astro db pushVentana de terminal pnpm astro db pushVentana de terminal yarn astro db push