Saltearse al contenido


Referencia del esquema de opciones de configuración de la integración de StudioCMS

export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

sdk?: boolean | {
cacheConfig?: boolean | {
lifetime?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
cacheConfig?: boolean | {
lifetime?: string | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},

cacheConfig es un objeto que se utiliza para configurar la caché del SDK.

  • Tipo: boolean | { lifetime?: string | undefined; } | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: {}
export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

sdk?: boolean | {
cacheConfig?: boolean | {
lifetime?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
// PREDETERMINADO - Esto utiliza la configuración de caché predeterminada.
cacheConfig?: boolean | {
lifetime?: string | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
lifetime?: string | undefined
: '5m',