Saltearse al contenido

Configuración del Renderizador

Referencia del esquema de opciones de configuración de la integración de StudioCMS

export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined
: 'studiocms',
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},
mdxConfig?: {
remarkPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
rehypePlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
recmaPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
remarkRehypeOptions?: {
file?: any;
allowDangerousHtml?: boolean | null | undefined;
clobberPrefix?: string | null | undefined;
footnoteBackContent?: string | ((args_0: number, args_1: number, ...args: unknown[]) => string | {
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
} | ({
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
})[]) | null | undefined;
footnoteBackLabel?: string | ((args_0: number, args_1: number, ...args: unknown[]) => string) | null | undefined;
footnoteLabel?: string | null | undefined;
footnoteLabelProperties?: Record<string, string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
footnoteLabelTagName?: string | null | undefined;
handlers?: any;
passThrough?: string[] | null | undefined;
unknownHandler?: any;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {}

renderer es una cadena o CustomRenderer que se utiliza para determinar el renderizador a usar para el contenido.

  • Tipo: CustomRenderer | "studiocms" | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: 'studiocms'
export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined
: 'studiocms', // PREDETERMINADO - Esto utiliza el Renderizador de StudioCMS.

StudioCMS te permite definir renderizadores personalizados para tu contenido. Esto te permite definir lógica de renderizado personalizada para tu contenido. Los renderizadores personalizados pueden usarse para renderizar contenido de una manera que no está soportada por los renderizadores incorporados, como HTML puro, u otro formato personalizado.

import type {
(alias) interface CustomRenderer
import CustomRenderer

Custom Renderer Type

@description A custom renderer that can be used in StudioCMS

@property{string} name - The name of the renderer

@property{Renderer} renderer - The renderer function


const customRenderer: CustomRenderer = {
name: 'custom',
renderer: async (content: string) => {
return content;

} from 'studiocms/config';
const customRenderer: CustomRenderer
(alias) interface CustomRenderer
import CustomRenderer

Custom Renderer Type

@description A custom renderer that can be used in StudioCMS

@property{string} name - The name of the renderer

@property{Renderer} renderer - The renderer function


const customRenderer: CustomRenderer = {
name: 'custom',
renderer: async (content: string) => {
return content;

= { string
: 'CustomRenderer',
CustomRenderer.renderer: Renderer
: async (
content: string
: string) => {
// Lógica de renderizado personalizada aquí
content: string
export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
renderer?: CustomRenderer | "studiocms" | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined
const customRenderer: CustomRenderer

studiocms es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se debe renderizar el contenido con el renderizador studiocms.

export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined
: true,
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined
: true,
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},

autoLinkHeadings es un booleano que se utiliza para determinar si los encabezados deben enlazarse automáticamente. Cuando están enlazados, aparecerá un icono de enlace junto a ellos para que los usuarios puedan copiar fácilmente un enlace rápido a ese encabezado.

  • Tipo: boolean
  • Valor predeterminado: true

discordSubtext es un booleano que se utiliza para determinar si la sintaxis -# hola debe renderizarse como subtexto estilo Discord.

  • Tipo: boolean
  • Valor predeterminado: true

callouts es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar con qué estilo se deben renderizar las anotaciones.

  • Tipo: { theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined } | undefined | false
  • Valor predeterminado: {}

sanitize es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se debe desinfectar el contenido.

markdocConfig es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se debe renderizar el contenido con el renderizador markdoc.

export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined
: 'html',
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
} | undefined
: {},

renderType es una cadena que se utiliza para determinar el tipo de contenido a renderizar.

  • Tipo: MarkdocRenderer | "html" | "react-static" | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: 'html'

Un renderizador personalizado para el renderizador MarkDoc de StudioCMS que permite al usuario usar MarkDoc con React y componentes React personalizados. Requiere que @astrojs/react^ esté instalado.

import {
function markDocRenderReact(components?: markdocReactComponents): MarkdocRenderer

MarkDoc Render for React

@requires@astrojs/react - Astro React Integration

@paramcomponents - The React components to use for rendering the content

@returnsThe MarkDoc React Renderer for StudioCMS MarkDoc

} from 'studiocms/custom-renderers';
export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
renderType?: MarkdocRenderer | "html" | "react-static" | undefined
function markDocRenderReact(components?: markdocReactComponents): MarkdocRenderer

MarkDoc Render for React

@requires@astrojs/react - Astro React Integration

@paramcomponents - The React components to use for rendering the content

@returnsThe MarkDoc React Renderer for StudioCMS MarkDoc


argParse es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se deben analizar los argumentos.

  • Tipo: {} | false
  • Valor predeterminado: {}

transformConfig es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se debe transformar el contenido.

  • Tipo: {} | false
  • Valor predeterminado: {}

mdxConfig es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se debe renderizar el contenido con el renderizador mdx.

export default
function defineStudioCMSConfig(config: StudioCMSOptions): {
dbStartPage?: boolean | undefined;
rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;

A utility function to define the StudioCMS config object. This function is used to define the optional StudioCMS config object in the Astro project root. The expected file name is studiocms.config.mjs. And it should be adjacent to the Astro project's astro.config.mjs file.

StudioCMS will attempt to import this file and use the default export as the StudioCMS config object automatically if it exists.

Using this function is optional, but it can be useful for IDEs to provide better intellisense and type checking.


// studiocms.config.mjs
import { defineStudioCMSConfig } from 'studiocms';
export default defineStudioCMSConfig({
dbStartPage: true,
contentRenderer: 'marked',
verbose: true,
dateLocale: 'en-us',
// ...Other Options

rendererConfig?: {
studiocms?: false | {
callouts?: false | {
theme?: "github" | "obsidian" | "vitepress" | undefined;
} | undefined;
autoLinkHeadings?: boolean | undefined;
discordSubtext?: boolean | undefined;
sanitize?: {
allowElements?: string[] | undefined;
blockElements?: string[] | undefined;
dropElements?: string[] | undefined;
allowAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
dropAttributes?: Record<string, string[]> | undefined;
allowComponents?: boolean | undefined;
allowCustomElements?: boolean | undefined;
allowComments?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
} | undefined;
renderer?: "studiocms" | CustomRenderer | "astro" | "markdoc" | "mdx" | undefined;
markdocConfig?: {
renderType?: "html" | MarkdocRenderer | "react-static" | undefined;
argParse?: {
file?: string | undefined;
slots?: boolean | undefined;
location?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
transformConfig?: {
tags?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
validation?: {
parents?: any[] | undefined;
validateFunctions?: boolean | undefined;
environment?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
nodes?: Record<string, {}> | undefined;
variables?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
functions?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
partials?: Record<string, any> | undefined ...
: {
mdxConfig?: {
remarkPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
rehypePlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
recmaPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined;
remarkRehypeOptions?: {
file?: any;
allowDangerousHtml?: boolean | null | undefined;
clobberPrefix?: string | null | undefined;
footnoteBackContent?: string | ((args_0: number, args_1: number, ...args: unknown[]) => string | {
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
} | ({
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
})[]) | null | undefined;
footnoteBackLabel?: string | ((args_0: number, args_1: number, ...args: unknown[]) => string) | null | undefined;
footnoteLabel?: string | null | undefined;
footnoteLabelProperties?: Record<string, string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | null | undefined> | null | undefined;
footnoteLabelTagName?: string | null | undefined;
handlers?: any;
passThrough?: string[] | null | undefined;
unknownHandler?: any;
} | undefined;
} | undefined
: {
recmaPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined
: [],
remarkPlugins?: PluggableList | undefined
: [],
rehypePlugins?: PluggableList | undefined
: [],
remarkRehypeOptions?: {
file?: any;
allowDangerousHtml?: boolean | null | undefined;
clobberPrefix?: string | null | undefined;
footnoteBackContent?: string | ((args_0: number, args_1: number, ...args: unknown[]) => string | {
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
} | ({
type: "comment";
value: string;
} | {
type: "element";
children: any[];
tagName: string;
properties: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "text";
value: string;
})[]) | null | undefined;
... 6 more ...;
unknownHandler?: any;
} | undefined
: {},

recmaPlugins es un array que se utiliza para determinar qué plugins de recma^ deben cargarse.

  • Tipo: PluggableList | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: []

remarkPlugins es un array que se utiliza para determinar qué plugins de remark deben cargarse.

  • Tipo: PluggableList | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: []

rehypePlugins es un array que se utiliza para determinar qué plugins de rehype deben cargarse.

  • Tipo: PluggableList | undefined
  • Valor predeterminado: []

remarkRehypeOptions es un objeto que se utiliza para determinar cómo se deben configurar remark y rehype.

  • Tipo: RemarkRehypeOptions
  • Valor predeterminado: `